Euro Demobbed

EuroDemobbed locations for Turkey

Select the Location from the list below :

Adana, Turkey (1)N of the city centre
Afyon - Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe Universitesi, Turkey (1)N of the city centre
Afyon - airfield, Turkey (2)190 km NW of Konya
Afyon, Turkey (1)10 km W of Afyon town
Ahili, Turkey (1)81 km E of Ankara
Akhisar, Turkey (6)75 km NE of Izmir
Akinci, Turkey (11)28 km NW of Ankara
Alemdag Merkez Mh, Istanbul, Turkey (1)In NE suburb of Istanbul
Aliaga - Beach Resort, Turkey (1)40 km NW of Izmir
Aliaga, Turkey (1)40 km NW of Izmir
Anadolu Kavahi, Turkey (1)20 km N of Istanbul
Ankara - Barracks, Turkey (1)12 km NNW of Etimesgut airport
Ankara - Etimesgut airfield barracks, Turkey (1)S of Etimesgut airfield
Ankara - Etimesgut airfield, Turkey (4)12 km NW of Ankara
Ankara - Etimesgut barracks, Turkey (2)4 km SE of Etimesgut airfield
Ankara - Etimesgut museum, Turkey (34)12 km NW of Ankara
Ankara - Guvercinlik, Turkey (9)8 km W of city centre
Ankara - Jandarma museum, Turkey (2)11 km SW of city centre
Ankara - Kurumu museum, Turkey (5)In city centre
Ankara - Mutlukent, Turkey (1)SW of the City Centre
Ankara - Police museum, Turkey (1)S of the city centre
Ankara - Science museum, Turkey (9)7 km W of city centre
Ankara - Technical School, Turkey (3)W of the city centre
Ankara - Town, Turkey (1)12 km NW of the city centre
Antalya - Technical School, Turkey (1)15 km NE of the City Centre
Antalya, Turkey (1)7 km E of city centre
Arslanbey, Turkey (10)9 km SSE of Izmit
Balikesir - Kamal Ataturk park, Turkey (1)In city centre near football stadium
Balikesir - School, Turkey (1)South of the town
Balikesir - town, Turkey (1)2 km NNE of city centre
Bogazkoy, Turkey (1)20 km N of Istanbul Ataturk airport
Bozuyuk, Turkey (1)50 km NW of Eskisehir
Burdur - Barracks, Turkey (1)W of the city centre
Burdur, Turkey (1)2 km SW of the city centre
Burhaniye,Turkey (1)4 km SW of the city centre
Bursa Osmangazi, Turkey (1)NW of the city
Bursa, Turkey (1)150 km NW of Eskisehir
Buyukcekmece - Kordonboyu, Turkey (1)Along the coast behind the park
Buyukcekmece - Park, Turkey (2)20 km W of Istanbul Ataturk airport
Buyukcekmece - Pier, Turkey (2)In SE part of town along seafront
Carsamba, Turkey (1)S of the city centre
Cayagzi, Turkey (2)27 km N of Istanbul
Corum - Technical School 2, Turkey (1)NE of the city
Corum - Technical School, Turkey (1)NE of the city
Dalaman, Turkey (3)5 km S of town
Denizli, Turkey (1)SE of the city centre
Elazig, Turkey (1)3 km SW of the town
Erhac, Turkey (2)18 km NW of Malatya
Erzurum - airfield, Turkey (1)7 km NW of town
Eskisehir - Anadolu, Turkey (1)2 km N of town
Eskisehir - Bilim Deney Muzesi, Turkey (2)4 km W of the city centre
Eskisehir - college, Turkey (5)NNE of town
Eskisehir - Museum, Turkey (16)In town centre
Eskisehir, Turkey (22)NE of town
Gaziantep - memorial, Turkey (1)SW of the city centre
Gaziantep - park, Turkey (1)S of the city centre
Gemlik, Turkey (1)5 km SW of town
Golcuk, Turkey (2)N of town
Gulbagy, Turkey (2)55 km S of Ankara
Havza, Turkey (1)320 km NE of Ankara
Hendek, Turkey (1)2 km N of town
Iskenderun, Turkey (2)W of the city centre
Isparta, Turkey (1)Military side of Isparta Airport
Istanbul - Armed Forces Museum, Turkey (3)In Eastern part of city
Istanbul - Ataturk airport, Turkey (1)In SW part of city
Istanbul - Goztepe, Turkey (1)23 km W of Sabiha Gokcen airport
Istanbul - Haskoy, Museum, Turkey (11)By the waterfront near the city centre (Eastern side)
Istanbul - Hezarfen, Turkey (1)25 km NW of Ataturk IAP
Istanbul - Inonu Caddesi, Turkey (2)Outside the Western edge of Ataturk Airport
Istanbul - Istinye University, Turkey (1)W of the city centre
Istanbul - ITU, Turkey (1)1 km S of Army museum
Istanbul - Military academy,Turkey (1)In NE part of city
Istanbul - Sabiha Gocken airport, Turkey (2)25 km E of city
Istanbul - Sabiha Gocken college, Turkey (1)25 km E of city
Istanbul - Samandira, Turkey (1)In NNW part of city
Istanbul - Science Centre, Turkey (1)SE of the city centre
Istanbul - Technical University, Turkey (2)In NE part of city
Istanbul - Yesilkoy Air Academy, Turkey (7)1 km S of Ataturk airport
Istanbul - Yesilkoy Museum, Turkey (55)1 km S of Ataturk airport
Izmir - Adnan Menderes Airport, Turkey (3)SE part of Airport
Izmir - Cigli, Turkey (19)15 km NW of Izmir
Izmir - Gaziemir airfield, Turkey (16)1 km N of Adnan Menderes airport
Izmir - Gaziemir, Turkey (3)2 km NNW of Adnan Menderes airport
Izmir - Izelman park, Turkey (2)SW part of city close to the coast
Izmir - Lang school, Turkey (2)SW part of city close to the coast
Izmir - Museum ship, Turkey (1)Harbor W of the city
Izmir - Technical School, Turkey (3)S of the city
Izmit, Turkey (1)Along the harbour front of the city
Karabuk, Turkey (1)160 km N of Ankara
Kastamonu, Turkey (1)48 km E of Dady
Kayseri - Airfield, Turkey (1)S of the city centre
Kayseri - Erkilet, Turkey (18)1 km N of town
Kayseri - Technical School, Turkey (12)SE of the city centre
Kayseri Science Centre, Turkey (1)4 km E of Kayseri - Erkilet airfield
Kirklareli, Turkey (1)In town centre
Kiziksa, Turkey (4)N of the town
Konya - Military Park, Turkey (2)Just south of Konya Airbase
Konya - Range, Turkey (37)10 km SE of the airfield
Konya - Town, Turkey (1)15 km N of town
Konya - University (2)7 km W of the city centre
Konya Airbase, Turkey (9)5 km NE of town
Kutahya - Airfield, Turkey (3)1 km NE of town
Kutahya, Turkey (8)1 km NE of town
Malatya, Turkey (1)4 km W of the town
Manisa, Turkey (1)28 km NE of Izmir
Mersin - Deniz Muzesi, Turkey (1)SW of the city centre
Mersin Park, Turkey (1)Displayed in a park
Mersin, Turkey (1)Displayed along sea front
Merzifon - Town, Turkey (1)N of town centre
Merzifon, Turkey (5)6 km SE of town
Milas, Turkey (1)12 km SW of Milas
Mucur, Turkey (1)NE of town
Mugla, Turkey (2)S of the city centre
Mus, Turkey (2)115 km S of Erzurum
Odemis, Turkey (1)75 km E of Izmir
Of, Turkey (1)NE of the city centre
Ondokuzmayis, Turkey (1)30 km NW of the city
Ordu, Turkey (1)400 km NE of Ankara
Osmancik, Turkey (1)N of the city centre
Osmaneli Bilecik, Turkey (1)75 km NW of Eskisehir
Pinarbasi, Turkey (1)90 km E of Kayseri
Rize, Turkey (1)E of the town
Safranbolu, Turkey (1)150 km N of Ankara
Samsun, Turkey (1)E side of town
Seyrek, Turkey (1)34 km NW of Izmir
Sile, Turkey (1)1 km S of town
Sincan, Turkey (1)Village to the west of Ankara
Sivrihisar Museum, Turkey (11)21 km S of the town
Sivrihisar, Turkey (1)S of town
Surmene, Turkey (1)35 km E of Trabzon
Tarsus, Turkey (1)300 km SE of Konya
Topel, Turkey (1)11 km SES of Izmit
Trabzon Port, Turkey (1)300 m S of the port
Trabzon, Turkey (1)Large city on Black sea coast
Turgutlu, Turkey (1)51 km E of Izmir
Turkey (5)
Tuzla. Turkey (1)SE of the city centre
Vezirkopru, Turkey (1)SE of the city centre
Zafertepecalkoy, Turkey (1)130 km S of Eskisehir

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