Euro Demobbed

EuroDemobbed locations for Romania

Select the Location from the list below :

Bacau - Aerostar Factory, Romania (2)NE part of Bacau Airfield
Bacau - barracks, Romania (1)Displayed on roundabout near barracks
Bacau - Colegiul Henri Coanda, Romania (1)4 km S of the town centre
Bacau, Romania (41)4.5 km S of the town centre
Balabanesti, Romania (1)15 km S of Barlad
Balaci, Romania (1)18 km SE of Barla
Bals, Romania (1)24 km E of Craiova
Becicherecu, Romania (1)20 km NW of Timisoara
Bisoca, Romania (1)3 km SE of Recea
Bistrita, Romania (1)110 km NE of Kluj
Boboc, Romania (46)12 km NE of Buzau
Braila, Romania (1)24 km S of Galati
Brasov Academy, Romania (7)2 km N of the town
Brasov, Romania (2)7 km NW of the town
Bucharest - Aviation Museum, Romania (56)5 km N of the city centre
Bucharest - Military Museum, Romania (9)1 km NW of the city centre
Bucharest - Air Force HQ, Romania (1)2.5 km N of Bucharest IAP
Bucharest - Baneasa Industrial Area, Romania (1)SE of the airport terminal
Bucharest - Baneasa School, Romania (5)SE of the airport terminal
Bucharest - Baneasa, General Inspectorate of Aviation, Romania (1)N side of Baneasa Airport
Bucharest - Baneasa, Romania (7)7 km N of the city centre
Bucharest - Barracks, Romania (1)SW of the city centre
Bucharest - Faur Factory, Romania (1)Centre of the city
Bucharest - Muzeul Politehnicii, Romania (3)2 km NW of city centre
Bucharest - Oltenitei, Romania (1)7 km S of Bucharest City Centre
Bucharest - Otopeni, Romania (4)14 km N of the city centre
Bucharest, Romania (2)In Western suburb of city
Buzau, Romania (1)4 km N of the city
Buzias - Airfield, Romania (1)NW of the city centre
Buzias, Romania (1)24 km W of Lugoj
Campia Turzii - airfield, Romania (33)5 km S of the town
Campia Turzii - Barracks, Romania (6)2 km E of Campia Turzii airfield
Campia Turzii, Romania (1)4 km S of the town
Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania (1)100 km E of Borsa
Caransebes Airfield, Romania (3)E of the town
Clinceni - Military Technical Academy, Romania (4)On the East side of Clinceni Airport
Clinceni, Romania (5)10 km SW of Bucharest
Colonesti, Romania (1)110 km NW of Bucharest
Constanta - Mihail Kogalniceanu, Romania (14)24 km NW of Constanta
Craiova - airfield, Romania (10)6 km E of the town
Craiova - Avioane Factory, Romania (2)NW corner of the airfield
Craiova - Facultatea de Electrotechnica, Romania (1)2 km SE of the town centre
Craiova - south, Romania (1)3 km S of the town centre
Craiova - Traian Vuia College, Romania (1)1 km S of the town centre
Deveselu, Romania (1)6 km SE of Caracal
Faget, Romania (1)28 km NE of Lugoj
Fetesti - Borcea, Romania (42)10 km W of Fetesti
Fetesti - Town, Romania (1)3 km NW of the town
Focsani, Romania (1)1 km SE of the town
Hlipiceni, Romania (1)150 km NE of Bacau
Ianca - Town, Romania (1)Centre of the town
Iasi - Town, Romania (1)W of the city centre, in the courtyard of the Palace of Culture/Museum of Science and Technology
Iasi - University, Romania (1)83 km NE of Bacau
Iasi Training Area, Romania (1)83 km NE of Bacau
Mangalia, Romania (1)At the NAVY depot
Medias Barracks, Romania (1)15 km S of Circiu
Medias Town, Romania (1)15 km S of Circiu
Moinesti, Romania (1)30 km W of Bacau
Orastie, Romania (3)50 km N of Petrosani
Perisor, Romania (1)In the centre of the village
Pucioasa, Romania (1)Helipad 0.5 km NE of the town centre
Ramnicu Sarat, Romania (2)2 km N of the town
Romania (1)NATO country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova and the Black Sea
Rosiorii de Vede, Romania (1)94 km SW of Bucharest
Siria, Romania (2)20 km NW of Arad
Targu Mures, Romania (1)240 km W of Bacau
Tecuci, Romania (4)25 km NE of Focsani
Timisoara - Cioca, Romania (1)4 km NW of the town centre
Timisoara - Giarmata, Romania (6)10 km NE of the town
Timisoara town, Romania (1)4 km SSW of the town centre
Topraisar, Romania (1)NEof the town
Tuzla, Romania (2)20 km S of Constanta
Vadeni Airfield, Romania (2)SE of the town
Valea Budului, Romania (1)2 km SW of the town
Visina, Romania (1)150 km NE of Craiova

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