Euro Demobbed

EuroDemobbed locations for Serbia

Select the Location from the list below :

Backi Brestovac, Serbia (1)60 km NW of Novi Sad
Bactovaros, Tovarisevo, Serbia (1)42 km WNW of Novi Sad
Batajnica - MOMA, Serbia (10)20 km NW of Belgrade
Batajnica, Serbia (56)20 km NW of Belgrade
Belgrade - HQ, Serbia (1)8 km SE of the city centre
Belgrade - Military academy, Serbia (1)In SE part of city
Belgrade - Pista 011, Serbia (1)To the N of Nikola Tesla Airport
Belgrade - University, Serbia (1)Centre of the city
Belgrade - Zarkovo, Serbia (1)5 km SW of Belgrade city
Belgrade Museum, Serbia (151)Western end of the main airport
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, Serbia (7)11 km W of the city centre
Belgrade Old City Airport Business Park, Serbia (1)7 km E of Surcin Airport
Belgrade Technical School, Serbia (3)Opposite the zoo, near Kalemegdan
Bocar, Serbia (4)117 km N of Belgrade
Brajkovac, Serbia (1)57 km S of Belgrade
Bubanj Potok, Serbia (1)13 km SE of Belgrade
Cenej - Novi Sad Airfield, Serbia (9)15 km N of the town
Dobanovci, Serbia (1)West of Belgrade International
Ecka, Serbia (5)2 km N of the town
Gornje Crniljevo, Serbia (1)115 km SW of Belgrade
Gospodinci, Serbia (1)18 km NNE of Novi Sad
Irig, Serbia (1)20 km south of Novi Sad
Jagodina - Barutana airfield, Serbia (1)140 KM SE of Belgrade
Kikinda, Serbia (1)8 km SSW of the town
Kostolac, Serbia (1)56 km W of Belgrade
Kraljevo - Trstenik, Serbia (2)2 km E of the town
Kraljevo town, Serbia (1)1 km SW of the airfield
Krusevac, Serbia (1)60 km south east of Kraljevo
Kucura area, Serbia (1)34 km NW of Novi Sad
Kursumlija, Serbia (1)52 km SW of Nis
Ladjevci, Serbia (12)11 km NW of Kraljevo
Lisicji Jarak, Serbia (8)15 km N of Belgrade
Lozovik , Serbia (1)93 km NW of Nis
Nis - Airbase, Serbia (5)4 km W of the town
Nis - Airport, Serbia (1)4 km W of the town
Novi Sad, Serbia (2)70 km NW of Belgrade
Pancevo Airfield, Serbia (1)3 km N of the town
Pancevo Barracks, Serbia (6)16 km NE of Belgrade
Paracin - Davidovac, Serbia (3)5 km E of Paracin
Potocac, Serbia (1)10 km WSW of Paracin
Pristina, Serbia (1)13 km SW of the city
Ratina, Serbia (1)6 km SE of Kraljevo
Serbia (3)
Sevojno, Serbia (2)120 km E of Sarajevo
Srpski Itebej, Serbia (1)Near a football pitch south of the village
Subotica area, Serbia (1)150 km NNW of Belgrade
Temerin area, Serbia (2)80 km NNW of Belgrade
Topola, Serbia (1)0.5 km NE of the town centre
Trstenik town, Serbia (1)27 km SE of Kraljevo
Vrbovac, Serbia (1)58 km N of Nis

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